Sideline Perspective Chair
Photo courtesy of Kelli Mcclintock (gQk5tzUzjwM-unsplash).

The Future With Agenda 2030

While studying at L.S.U., I recall taking a Spanish class with a young woman who had escaped with her parents from then Czechoslovakia three years earlier. “Why do those people in Russia and those Warsaw Pact countries put up with communism?”

“No money. No transportation. No weapons. It was forbidden to talk about it. Oh yeah! We did have censorship.” She recounted ruefully.

A couple of years after graduation, a Time Magazine article best summed it up. “They control people by making them poor.”

Kamala Harris’ “Gaffe” Actually a Forecast

While speaking at Coppin State University, on July 14th the Vice President unveiled Democrats’ proposed plan to cut greenhouse emissions. In doing so, Harris accidentally provided insight into things to come.

“When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water,” Harris said.

Harris’ handlers claimed that her declaration was not as intended. Yet the cat was out of the bag! 

The proposed methodology is not new. Former Soviet General Secretary, Joseph Stalin used poverty and forced famines to control the population. Millions died and, in the process, the Soviet Axiom: “Comply or die” played out in real life.

Sustainability – “The Backdoor Approach”

The United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for sustainable development informs government policies to restrict farming and transform the food systems in different parts of the world, said Alex Newman, an award-winning international journalist who has covered this issue for over a decade.

Agenda 2030 is a United Nations plan to implement 17 strategic development goals (SDGs) and has been adopted by 15 member nations.

Then-Secretary General of the U.N. Ban Ki-moon called the 2030 Agenda “the global declaration of interdependence,” Newman said in a recent interview on EpochTV’s “Crossroads” program.

Newman described it as “a direct swipe at our Declaration of Independence.”

The 2030 Agenda “covers every element of human life, every element of the economy,” including global wealth redistribution not only within the nations but also among the nations, Newman commented. The Agenda 2030 “specifically says that we need to change the way that we consume and produce goods.”

Taking Control of the Food Supply

In September 2021 the UN held the “Food Systems Summit,” emphasizing the need “to leverage the power of food systems.”

“Everyone, everywhere, must take action and work together to transform the way the world produces, consumes, and thinks about food,” the statement said.

It amounts to taking over the farmland. In short, the UN wants to get rid of private land ownership.

Newman quoted an excerpt from this report: “Land cannot be treated as an ordinary asset controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore contributes to social injustice.

 “They want to remove small farmers, even medium farmers, from their land, and they want to bring it all under the control of these—I think there’s no other term to describe it—fascistic public-private partnerships.”

In essence, the Stalin Plan for population reduction. However, they have a different name for it: “Sustainability.”

The SEC proposed a regulation that “mandates publicly traded companies to report on their carbon emissions and other climate-related information.”

In other words, regulate the hell out of farmers until they ultimately determine that farming is no longer economically feasible. All in the name of sustainability.

“One of the things that the communists loved to do is create scarcity and create dependents. As long as you have independent people who are able to take care of themselves, there really is no need for the government to run your life and to control everything that you do,” Newman said.

Implementation of Agenda 2030

For the few who have studied the murderous Stalin regime, a question arises.

“How would those perpetrators ever sell Americans on the need for food shortages?” It would not be as much “selling” them as “deceiving” them! It amounts to masking the initiative behind the need to arrest global warming. In essence, utilizing the “Green New Deal” to slip this Stalin-inspired methodology through the back door. Before it is recognized, other Stalin-inspired initiatives including censorship, immobilization, disarmament, and ultimate impoverishment of Americans would be fully implemented.

Answer. They wouldn’t!

The whole idea of using food as a weapon has been a hallmark of communist regimes for 100 years, Newman explained. “It’s also been a hallmark of the very same people who are openly promoting the U.N. Agenda 2030, the sustainable development goals, and even the World Economic Forum.”

Those who contrived “the controlled demolition of our food supply … want to completely restructure it,” to gain total centralized control of that because it gives them absolute power over everybody under their jurisdiction, Newman said.

Communist Premiere, Mao Zedong took a page from Stalin’s playbook in orchestrating “The Great Leap Forward,” which forced Chinese farmers to move to cities. It amounted to confiscating their crops. As many as 55 million died between 1958 and 1962.

The problem comes from a Stalinist leaning Academia that continuously scrutinizes students who dare depart from the accepted narrative. Young minds are more easily influenced than older ones. There is also the bitter reality that if they cross one of these Academicians, they will ultimately pay the price of a bad grade or worse.

Their “narrative” amounts to “we know what is good and what is right” as Florida Senator Marco Rubio revealed in a 2022 CPAC convention speech.

However, when the right people begin asking the inevitable question: “Would intentionally starving populations in the name of sustainability tread on Nuremberg Code violations?” When considering the sheer brutality of such a scheme the answer is a resounding “yes!”

A responsible media should be leading the charge, but it is not. Those who dare question the narrative are mostly ridiculed and chastised. It is proof that Stalin’s blueprint is already in the implementation stages.

When it does, the circle will be complete.

The Maverick Observer is an online free-thinking publication interested in the happenings in our region. We promote open views without bias. All views are welcome – it is how we learn from each other and grow as a community.

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Jeff Willis
Jeff Willis was born in El Dorado, Arkansas and attended Louisiana State University. He graduated in 1979 with a double major in Journalism and History. He worked in Broadcast Television for 20 years before switching to Banking/Financial Services in 1999. Willis published topical; "E" is for English in 2010. In 2022 he completed the multi-part, thousand-plus page historical novel “Conveyance”, a riveting five book series following the true adventures of a Louisiana family which emancipated, educated, and deeded land to their slaves, a full five years before the Civil War. The family interacted and had personal dealings with several historically notable people. They also found themselves forced, for the sake of personal survival, to kill or be killed, and to keep secrets. The first four books transpire during the Reconstruction era while the fifth book, “Aftermath” provides the results, along with a truly stunning conclusion, some twenty years later. The historical saga is scheduled to be evaluated by LSU Press. Jeff Willis has lived in eight different southern states and enjoyed some of the south's finest cities, including, but not limited to, Asheville, North Carolina, Atlanta, Fayetteville, Arkansas, Lexington, Kentucky, Miami, and Nashville. He has traveled extensively in Europe, Russia, including Siberia, and Alaska, and is conversant in Spanish and Russian.


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