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Farewell from The Maverick Observer Staff

A Brief Hiatus for The Maverick Observer

The time has come for me to put The Maverick Observer website on a brief hiatus through the end of the year. I believe we are living in a time of history in the United States which is unprecedented. The assault on individual freedoms has never ever been this egregious unless you were a prisoner of war, black, American Indian, or Japanese American during World War II.
Flag Fruit Pizza

Flag Fruit Pizza

This patriotic Flag Fruit Pizza is a family favorite recipe! It is incredibly delicious and gets the family involved.
Star Spangled Skewers

Star Spangled Skewers

These Star Spangled Skewers are festive and fun for your 4th of July parties and get-togethers! They are a healthier treat option or snack that everyone will love. Simply using a star cookie cutter makes watermelon slices the star of your spread. Stack blueberries and mini marshmallows on a medium skewer and top with a star! This is a great kid-friendly recipe that they will love to help with!