Climate Change Sideline Perspective Chair
Photo courtesy of Kelli Mcclintock (gQk5tzUzjwM-unsplash).

Recently some enlightened congressmen, senators, and members of the “donor class” took decisive action. Their goal: “To awaken slumbering Americans to the dangers of climate change.” It sounded honorable and good; until the inevitable price tag showed its ugly head.

It hardly mattered to these privileged few. Most had incomes that far exceeded seven figures. Many had transportation paid for by their companies and/or the government. They had a complicit, corporate media with them every step of the way.

Best of all, they had an agenda that could further enrich them, at the average family’s expense. A bit painful for North American and European families perhaps, but, it was for theirs and the earth’s own betterment! It was an idea that was both innocuous and noble. To be paid handsomely for such an endeavor was given.

Notable Green Players in Climate Change

Billionaire activist, Tom Steyer heads the list. Many vaguely recall his brief entry and fast exit in the 2020 Democratic primary. Originally from New York, now residing in California, he founded Farallon Capital Management and later the Next Generation Climate Action Committee. Through the latter, Steyer used inconclusive climate studies as a mechanism to recruit young people to the Democrat party.

As the nation’s largest youth voting organization, Next Gen targets millions of voters in battleground states across the country and mobilizes them to come out for Democrats.

Former Vice President, Albert Gore, Jr., will be remembered for his documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, and subsequent Nobel Prize in 2007 for his work on “raising awareness.” His 1992 book, Earth in the Balance landed him 1.1 million in royalties.

“We, the human species, are confronting a planetary emergency — a threat to the survival of our civilization that is gathering ominous and destructive potential even as we gather here,” Gore said at the gala ceremony in Oslo.

Gore predicted the Arctic polar ice pack would be completely melted by 2013. Advocates consider his cause noble. Opponents consider him an opportunist who has made tens of millions from the alleged crisis.

Massachusetts Senator, Ed Markey was at the forefront in pushing through the Green New Deal. His passionate climate change alarmism influenced many well-intended Americans to see the issue not as it is but as it could be. In February 2022 Markey posted this on Twitter:

“This fight has been long and challenging, but I have not lost hope. We are closer than ever to delivering decisive climate action and we are going to keep fighting until we win.”

Former Massachusetts Senator, U.S. Presidential Candidate, Secretary of State, and current “Climate Tsar” in the Biden Administration, John Kerry has been the master of climate change “hyperbole.” It may finally be catching up with him. A recent Fox News report yielded eye-opening truisms.

“A government watchdog group filed an ethics complaint against Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry on Tuesday morning, alleging he spread misinformation about climate change.

In its complaint, Protect the Public’s Trust (PPT) alleged that Kerry violated federal scientific integrity policy when he said in May that greenhouse gas emissions kill 15 million people per year worldwide. PPT requested a federal investigation into Kerry’s comments.

“15 million people are dying every single year around this planet as a consequence of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere, in the air which travels around and drops in the form of pollution and is warming the ocean at record rates, changing the chemistry of the ocean itself,” Kerry remarked on May 10 at the Department of Agriculture’s AIM for Climate Summit. 

“Without action, millions of lives and the livelihood of the planet is at risk,” he said.

Green Measures Not Living Up to Billing

On paper, energy produced by wind looks good. Outside of killing countless birds, it’s clean and seemingly efficient. However, turbines are often seen as an eyesore.

Passions are high and opinions are as strong as the prevailing wind in northwest Nebraska, as some neighbors and family members on both sides of the wind energy issue in and near Cherry County, Neb., are verbally clashing over financial, emotional, and health concerns related to current and proposed future wind farms.

Recently, Nebraska Sen. Tom Brewer, a Republican who represents legislative district 43, introduced two legislative bills supporting neighbors’ concerns about the proximity of living near a number of towering turbines that are in full view of others’ rural homesteads.

Solar is seen as a popular alternative. However, there are issues. For starters, most are manufactured in China. There is also the problem of disposal after they expire. Then there are natural events such as hail.

Solar panels are designed to be durable and last a long time, withstanding exposure to the elements while soaking up the sun’s powerful rays to generate electricity. Whilst hail isn’t a common phenomenon across the globe, regions like the American Midwest do have frequent hailstorms. If hail is a major concern, then you need to assess the possibility of your solar panels being damaged during extreme weather events.

The ability of your solar panels to withstand hail depends on the durability of the panel type and the size of the hail. Most hail tends to be on the smaller side, and higher-quality solar panels can stand up to most hailstorms. But a large enough hailstone will damage even the strongest panels.

In Texas, they found that during extreme weather, the alternative sources proved to be inadequate.

In a state known for oil, residents had better pray the wind picks up fast — or else they’re going to be having some serious electricity problems.

On Sunday, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which runs Texas’ electrical grid, warned that without voluntary energy reduction measures, the electrical grid in the state wouldn’t be able to reliably meet demand.

The reason? It wasn’t windy enough.

In short, the alternatives are not living up to their billing! While enriching a few they are quietly impoverishing the many! The question becomes, “How long before the many figure it out? Probably not long! And when they do, look out! It will be “payback time!”

A Punishment Fitting for the Crime

In short, influential people are fabricating a would-be crisis for purposes not necessarily in sync with the common good of mankind. Many have made predictions that have not come true. All of this has resulted in economic hardship and misery for millions.

This misery equates to the equivalent of a massive “pay cut” thanks to the worst inflation seen in 50 years. Most noticeable has been the spike in gasoline prices, which have more than doubled since Joe Biden took office. Higher gasoline prices result in price increases at the retail level for everything from eggs for your breakfast to tires for your car! The question becomes, should these actions be lauded, or should the perpetrators be punished for deceiving so many?

If the answer is the latter, consider this.

Would it be possible for these offenders to be given a chance to practice what they preach? Leading by example has always been a preferable remedy.   

The “Green New Deal” Applied

Prince of Wales Island is a beautiful, heavily wooded island in the North Pacific. Situated at 55-degree latitude, it experiences a climate reminiscent of Scotland with mild temperatures and sufficient rainfall. The mostly virgin soil is rich and capable of producing “brassica oleracea” vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts, as well as root vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, and sugar beets. Rye, oats, barley, and hops grow extremely well on the island. Blueberries, raspberries, and salmon berries are abundant. The growing season lasts approximately 180 days.

Prince of Wales Island is roughly the size of Delaware and Rhode Island combined with 990 miles of coastline. Included are inland rivers and lakes, hot springs, white sand beaches, and a vast network of caves and caverns. Salt and freshwater fishing is some of the world’s finest. Plentiful salt deposits aided original settlers with preservation.

The island has less than 6,000 inhabitants. The majority are “First Nation.” Tlingits, the original inhabitants, compose the majority.

Would it not be possible to “relocate” these four gentlemen, and other influential alarmists to PWI? In doing so, they could practice what they preach, setting an example for humanity.

It would begin with learning the art of “subsistence farming,” utilizing the same technology enjoyed by the Pilgrims in 1620. Like the Pilgrims who were aided by the Pawtuxet, “Squanto,” each family would be assisted by a First Nation “Ag Adviser.”

The project would be funded by “donations” of estates previously held by the “New Pilgrims.” The money would be used to establish “Klawock (Pronounced La WOCK) University.” Here First Nation children could attend tuition free. “Agricultural Management” would be the university’s flagship concentration. Graduates would be paid handsomely as Ag Advisers for the new Pilgrims.

Could this punishment be construed as “cruel and unusual?” Some would suggest so! Yet their obsessive exaggeration of man-made climate change has resulted in starvation and calamity worldwide! It has been manipulated on a global scale!

Exile to this heavenly place would be considered “lenient” by most.

The Maverick Observer is an online free-thinking publication interested in the happenings in our region. We promote open views without bias. All views are welcome – it is how we learn from each other and grow as a community.

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Jeff Willis
Jeff Willis was born in El Dorado, Arkansas and attended Louisiana State University. He graduated in 1979 with a double major in Journalism and History. He worked in Broadcast Television for 20 years before switching to Banking/Financial Services in 1999. Willis published topical; "E" is for English in 2010. In 2022 he completed the multi-part, thousand-plus page historical novel “Conveyance”, a riveting five book series following the true adventures of a Louisiana family which emancipated, educated, and deeded land to their slaves, a full five years before the Civil War. The family interacted and had personal dealings with several historically notable people. They also found themselves forced, for the sake of personal survival, to kill or be killed, and to keep secrets. The first four books transpire during the Reconstruction era while the fifth book, “Aftermath” provides the results, along with a truly stunning conclusion, some twenty years later. The historical saga is scheduled to be evaluated by LSU Press. Jeff Willis has lived in eight different southern states and enjoyed some of the south's finest cities, including, but not limited to, Asheville, North Carolina, Atlanta, Fayetteville, Arkansas, Lexington, Kentucky, Miami, and Nashville. He has traveled extensively in Europe, Russia, including Siberia, and Alaska, and is conversant in Spanish and Russian.


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