Conservative Values How to win friends and influence enemies
Photo courtesy of Tim Hoiles.

Publisher’s Notes

Popular culture in America today is dominated by the left. Most young people have never even heard of conservative values from someone their age, and if they do, the message is often bland and outdated. Almost every Hollywood actor, musician, media personality, and role model for young people in America rejects conservative values, and Gen Zs and millennials are quick to regurgitate these viewpoints without developing their own opinions on issues. 
So many young conservatives in America want to stand up for their beliefs in their classrooms, at their jobs, with their friends, or on social media, but they don’t have the tools to do so. In How to Win Friends and Influence Enemies, Will Witt arms Gen Zs and millennials with the knowledge and skills to combat the leftist narrative they hear every day.

Staff Thoughts

This book took me quite a bit of time to settle into. The problem was mostly my fault as I often have trouble seeing the perspective of a younger person. While I chided myself for this, I received another book about Wuhan before I finished this one. I set this down and read the entire Wuhan book and had some angst picking up the Witt book again.

When I finally did, I found myself behind the eight ball and skipped some chapters to his final chapter titled “A Vision for America”. I found this chapter to be on point and relevant. If you do nothing else, you need to read this chapter of Witt’s book. A plan rather than excuse or comparisons to what conservatives want. It truly is a delightful idea with a lot of promise.

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Tim Hoiles
Tim is a Colorado native, who graduated from Fountain Valley High School and attended Coe College. He was the Publisher, of Pampa Daily News Pampa, Texas 1974-1978, and Publisher of Victor Valley Daily Press Victorville, California, 1978-1990. Tim was also a member of the Freedom Newspapers board, which became Freedom Communications, Inc. from 1970-2004. He has served various non-profits in Pampa, Victorville, and Colorado Springs. He strongly believes in The Declaration of Independence, The U.S. Constitution, and the ability of the moral and ethical free human spirit to live a working life without hurting others. He is married to Lorie and has puppies that keep their day hopping. Tim has a wide range of passions he shares on The Maverick Observer, a nonprofit he started in 2020 to provide conflict-of-interest-free news.


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