Baby Boomers Two Men Playing Video Games
Photo courtesy of Mart Production (7330165 pexels).

I’m starting to feel sorry for baby boomers. I can because I am one. I was born in 1952, sort of in the middle of 1946 to 1964. According to an article by Bill O’Reilly there are around 68 million of us. But I feel sorrow for the world we are leaving the next generation and the life-changing issues they are facing every day.

Growing up in Colorado Springs the city grew from 40,000 to 100,000 people. Oh, how wonderful that growth has been. NOT!!! Growth without the necessary infrastructure is really, just stupid. Just look at the traffic situation on many of the non-widened road-dieted streets.

Look at the change in science. Are there only 2 sexes maybe 3 if you count hermaphrodites? Yes, that part of science hasn’t changed. Ain’t that sweet. But, what about allowing underage kids, whose brains will not be totally developed until their early 20s, to be prompted by folks with personal ideologies into a lifestyle path? The video from a Virginia mom about her child, Sage, will break your heart. This child endured unspeakable trauma and was victimized by too many adults who should have had her best interests in mind.

What about an inordinate amount of 20-, 30-, or 40-year-olds living with mommy and daddy because for any number of reasons and their parents tolerate the living situation? Ain’t that sweet? NOT!

Yes, I am feeling sorrow. Sorrow because this isn’t what this world should be. Individuals should be able to stand on their own without much help. Look at the greatest generation who fought for all of us in Colorado Springs and the free world countries. What did they die for?

I believe I know what my world is. It is full of standards of behavior, principles, and science, yes, an apple falls to earth from the tree.

The final issue that has caused myriad questions about my world is the adult pacifier. The smartphone. It takes away way too much human social interaction. It makes heroes and heroines of idiots, allows one-click “research” and creates millions of influencers. Influencers of what? Adults, children, or society. WHATEVER. Some would say “you don’t understand”. My response is whoop-de-doo. Walk in MY shoes and you might learn something.

I know I am older now but compared to a massive amount of folk today I have experiences of my own to draw from rather than living my life through others. I look up to a few people, my 2 dogs, and my wife. The rest of civilization has done nothing to EARN my ear and/or respect.

I am a baby boomer and proud of it. I look forward to more years of being puzzled by the younger generations and hoping for the best as they navigate this world!

The Maverick Observer is an online free-thinking publication interested in the happenings in our region. We promote open views without bias. All views are welcome – it is how we learn from each other and grow as a community.

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Tim Hoiles
Tim is a Colorado native, who graduated from Fountain Valley High School and attended Coe College. He was the Publisher, of Pampa Daily News Pampa, Texas 1974-1978, and Publisher of Victor Valley Daily Press Victorville, California, 1978-1990. Tim was also a member of the Freedom Newspapers board, which became Freedom Communications, Inc. from 1970-2004. He has served various non-profits in Pampa, Victorville, and Colorado Springs. He strongly believes in The Declaration of Independence, The U.S. Constitution, and the ability of the moral and ethical free human spirit to live a working life without hurting others. He is married to Lorie and has puppies that keep their day hopping. Tim has a wide range of passions he shares on The Maverick Observer, a nonprofit he started in 2020 to provide conflict-of-interest-free news.


  1. Born in 1952, 4 days before I was… andyou never let me forget it. I can’t believe what not only Colorado Springs and the United States has turned into. I’ve spent most of the years since college in the Republic of California and planning my escape back to the United States. Mussolini, Stahlin, and Xi would love Gavin Newsom & the leadership of California. Basically a one party state, with the worst of the worst who want to make the United States in the image of themselves and California. Newsom fine with genital mutilation of children,permanent sterilization, and puberty blockers that osteoporosis. My father, grandfather & uncles, all doctors are rolling over in their graves at the DEI in medical schools and never could have imagined UCLA Medical School having a Hamas supporter lecturing medical students in a mandatory class. As we head twords our next birthday I fear the United States has passed the proverbial tipping point. But, Tim, its good to see you still keep up the good fight. I’m not giving in to this tyrannical lunacy. I wish I’d seen when I was younger how smart our fathers and grandfathers were.


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