Boy Reading

Colorado Department of Education’s K-3 Teacher Evidence-Based Reading Training

Reading is fundamental for education. Children spend time in primary grades learning how to read. They build their background knowledge in language, learn to decode words, and build vocabulary.
Kid Playing in Sprinkler

Summer Learning Suggestions

Once students finish school at the end of May, they’re ready for a two month break from assignments and homework. They put in a lot of work over 10 months, moving from one grade level to the next. Even though students need summer break to rest, they should still practice academic skills to prevent “summer slide”.

What is the Purpose of Homework?

The purpose and effectiveness of homework have long been debated. Some argue that homework teaches kids multiple skills and is necessary for academic achievement. Others disagree, arguing that homework is detrimental to student growth and causes unnecessary stress resulting in declining mental health.
Kids Learning

How Local Schools are Making Meaningful Learning Experiences

Teachers participate in professional development, conferences, classes and trainings throughout the year in order to maintain best practice in their classrooms. While schools must teach the state standards, administration and teaching staff work to ensure that the standards are taught in ways that meet the learning needs of their students, which leads to comprehension of the content.

Parents and Teachers: Working as a Team

Whether a teacher has a class of 35 students or 15 students, their goal is to help these students succeed. Parents have just one of those 35 students, and they also share the goal that their child will succeed.
Mental Health

Student and Teacher Mental Health Awareness

Schools are where many of us spend a good part of our lives from preschool to elementary school, then middle school to high school, and for many college or vocational schools. Some of us receive degrees in higher education that take another two to 10 years to complete. Then, many adults choose to return to schools after college graduation as teachers and educational staff.
You Got This

Advocating for Your Student

The Children’s Hospital Colorado website states, “It means to speak, plead or argue in favor of and to support them. Kids’ voices aren’t always heard, and sometimes they need our help to speak up for them.” As their parent, you know them better than anyone. When it comes to school, social situations, and their future you are their spokesperson until they are able to be that for themselves.
Graduation Day

Closing the Achievement Gap

Gaps in education have been studied for years. Susan E. Ansell of Education Week states, “The 'achievement gap’ in education refers to the disparity in academic performance between groups of students.” These groups range from socio-economic backgrounds, gender, ability, and ethnic backgrounds of those learning English.

Student Accountability with Academics

As students get older and begin to take on the responsibility of writing down assignments in planners, keeping track of their work, and following up on missing assignments with student accountability, it’s nice for parents to be able to take a step back.
Playing in the Snow

Holiday Learning During Holiday Breaks

Breaks are something that are looked forward to by students and teachers alike. They are much needed after weeks of learning and hard work. However, breaks tend to lead to a regression in academic skills.

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Farewell from The Maverick Observer Staff

A Brief Hiatus for The Maverick Observer

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Bird’s Nest Cookies

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Bacon Jalapeno Deviled Eggs

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